Friday, April 2, 2010

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. Edward Everett Hale

What a gift we received today in this picture of Zoe as a little one, in the care of her foster grandma in Baotou.   Any information we receive is so valuable and through a series of events we were given this beautiful picture.   

There are thousands more children like Zoe waiting for families.   I read an article recently by Mark Clark that reminded me of these priceless treasures who wait for homes. 

"It was a brisk January 2004 day in Washington DC as the young,
nondescript musician emerged from the Metro subway train in L'Enfant
Station. Wearing blue jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt, with a
Washington Nationals cap on his head, he selected a spot against the
wall. He removed his cherished violin from its small case, placed a
few dollar bills and pocket change in the case as seed money, and
turned to face the morning foot traffic. He began to play. In the course of the next 43 minutes, 6 classical pieces were performed;
1097 people passed by, 7 stopped long enough to appreciate the music
and made donations to the violin case totaling $32. and change. The
violinist played a selection of classic greats that have endured the
ages rather than catchy pop tunes. By the way, the violinist was
Joshua Bell, 39 year old internationally acclaimed virtuoso playing
his Stradivarius. Three days before he had played to a full house at
the Boston Symphony Hall where merely good tickets cost over $100.  
and two weeks later to a standing room only crowd in Baltimore. He regularly earns $1000 per minute and is a Grammy award winning international star who was virtually ignored by the crowd hurrying to work."

I wonder how often we ignore what God has called us to because we are so distracted by the busy grind of our daily lives.   Meanwhile children around the world  cry out for a mama and a daddy to hold them and love them.  

"Sympathy is no substitute for action." 
  David Livingston

These pictures are the Social Welfare Institute where our Zoe is staying now.  The other picture I posted earlier is the old orphanage.
Photo #1:  front entrance
Photo #2:  office of directors
Photo #3:  play yard
Photo #4:  inside hall
Photo #5   back of SWI


Marie94 said...

Hi Cheryl -
Thanks for sending the blog address. I will be praying for speedy travel. It may look like things go fast for our adoptions but as you know when your child is on the other side of the world - it seems like a lifetime passes before we hold them.
We are so excited for you to hold Zoe.

Lori said...

That picture is beautiful!! Both of those faces are absolutely priceless! What a HUGE blessing :).

strandfam said...

Hi I found your blog through the Inner Mongolia group. I have been blessed so much already by the things you have shared and the heart God has given you for the fatherless. We also have a little girl waiting for us at the same SWI. This will be our fifth chid and third adoption from China. How blessed we have been to be able to experience the gift of these precious children in our lives! I am so happy your beautiful daughter will soon be in your arms. If you have a minute I would love to chat with you a bit more through email. Our email address is
God Bless you