Thursday, May 13, 2010

How Do You Reach 143 Million Orphans? One At A Time

I can hardly believe it, but I returned from a long day out of town, and checked my email and another adoptive parent who just returned from Inner Mongolia had posted pictures of all the children in the orphanage and here staring at me was our precious little one with her sad sad face (in the #71 sweater).   We are so blessed to receive yet another picture of our darling and my heart wants to explode and weep all at the same time for I love this child of ours so much.   Twelve more days til we leave...

A Father to the fatherless,
a defender of widows,
is God in His holy dwelling,
God sets the lonely
 in families . . .
Psalms 68:5-6a


trk said...

Wow, you guys are so close to seeing your daughter. I wish you guys safe and quick travel. We think the boy in the white coat with stripes is our son. We are just starting our journey to bring him home. Amazing how a small picture can brighten your entire week.

Carolee's Corner Canary Islands said...

Hi Cheryl. Enjoyed your post. I am so excited for the new adventure in your life. I like what you said about how can we reach so life at a time. Sometimes the task seems so overwhelming, but know that you are making a difference in Sasha's and Zoe's lives.

Nevin's Mummy said...

Hello David& Cheryl, we just rec'd our referral tues night and our son is in Baotou as well. I stumbled on your blog by google! Your daughter is beautiful and we wish you a safe journey home! Our son's name is Yang Yu Meng, or Mengmeng is his nickname. He has Cleft Palate.
All the best and I look forward to reading your blog and seeing pictures of the orphange...maybe we'll catch a glimpse of him.
Darcy and David Campbell
Ontario Canada