Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all - Mulan

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." Jeremiah 1:5
While everyone takes a much needed nap I wanted to take time to write. Sasha has continued to wake each morning at 3:30-4:00 a.m.; adjusting to the time change is not so easy on a little one. I read today that China has the same time in the whole country! Apparently the USA is the only country with daylight savings time. I didn't know that!
At dinner last night and breakfast and lunch today Zoe ate and ate and ate. I was not prepared for this, even though I've read about it and other parents have had this with their children. So I will have to learn more about this. She acts like each meal is her last meal. She actually is much thinner then she looked in all the pictures we received. But she is very solid. I only brought two pairs of shoes with intentions of buying some here and we will be doing that in just a little bit. The ones I bought aren't wide enough for her little feet!
So we will go out amongst the honking horns and lunatic bicycle and motorbike drivers and find our way to do some shopping. One could easily be run over by any of the above. We don't feel scared when we are out, but don't exactly feel safe either.
Thanks to Millie and Juan for the info on Chinese Children's Day and the red dot on Zoe's forehead:
"In the People's Republic of China, Children's Day is celebrated on June 1.
When the People's Republic of China was first established in 1949, the State Council
designated a half-day holiday for all primary schools on June 1. This was later
made into a full day's break in 1956. Schools usually hold activities such as camping trips or free movies on Children's Day to allow students to have fun, and children of civil servants might also receive small gifts from the government. However on June 1, 2008 the day was made even more memorable, as many people remembered the children who died in the earthquake just a few weeks before. "
Zoe has definitely come out of her shell a little bit today. While we worked on our documents with the notary and had our interview with the Civil Affairs person, Mikelle started tickling and teasing her and she has turned into a different little girl. She has a temper though and quite the pout when she gets upset. So we are getting to know her little personality and it is quite fun! I echo Steven Curtis Chapman's comment, "It has been an enormous lesson in faith to see us enter into this incredible mystery of what it means to embrace a child who didn't have a family and now we are her family. Now we are a part of her and she's a part of us – that's what God has done with us and that's what the Gospel is."
Thank you for your continued prayers, comments and emails. Even though we are unable to look at the blog we are able to receive the messages and are thankful for them.
Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.
Proverbs 25:25


Peg said...

Congratulations to your whole family! How good is the good God! We look forward to meeting Zoe and are so excited that Sam has yet another friend to get to know. Journey blessings, with love and prayers, Randy, Peggy, Bethany, David, Emily, Michelle, John Luke, Kevin, and Sam

Marie94 said...

It is so awesome to see Zoe smile in the pictures. I loved seeing the 'sister' picture. I am so happy for you all!
Praying for all of you!
Thanks for sharing the most amazing journey I think a person can have during this lifetime!

Robyn in WI

Anonymous said...

I love reading your updates each day. What a beautiful family you have!


Karen said...

Congratulations. How exciting that you now have your little girl, Zoe. It is awesome how God puts families together.
Karen & Mike

Kim McGowan said...

Dear Liette family,

It is such a joy to see a smile on Zoe's face already. We are blown away by the enormity of your loving hearts for the sweet daughters you have in your family!

Jerry and Kim McGowan